Oxford Home Schooling | UK Provider of KS3, GCSE, & A Level Courses

    Our courses

    KS3 Home Schooling

    Quite simply, Key Stage 3 is the education a student is expected to cover in UK schools from the ages of 11 to 14.


    GCSE Home Schooling

    Home Schooling GCSE courses. Take a wide range of GCSE courses by home education: english, maths, french, history, geography and much more.


    A Level Home Education

    A level courses are still the gold standard of the English examination system. They are highly rated by employers and are required for most university degree courses. Oxford Homes Schooling offers a great range so there is something for everybody.


    IGCSE Home Education

    IGCSE is widely recognized by higher education institutions and employers around the world. It is equivalent, grade for grade, to GCSE. IGCSEs with 100% assessment by examination (i.e. no coursework).


    Your Partner in Home Education

    Increasing numbers of parents are deciding to take control of their children’s home education and provide home schooling. This may be to provide extra support in learning areas which the child finds difficult, or perhaps it’s simply because a parent is unable to send their child to a suitable school in the area. Whatever the reason, more parents are turning to home education. There are an estimated 150,000 children currently being educated at home, and this number is predicted to rise by 3% per year. Whether the qualifications you require are Key Stage 3 Courses,GCSE Courses or A level Courses, Oxford Home Schooling can support your home education needs.

    Why choose Home Education for your child?

    If your child is happy in school and you are happy that they are achieving their potential, then there is probably no reason to consider home education. Unfortunately, many children are bored or frustrated in school, and some struggle to understand what they are taught when the pace of teaching has to be determined by the needs of a large group. No group of 30 or more children is going to learn in the same way at the same rate, and a teacher’s job is a difficult one that leaves little time for individual pupil attention.

    It can also be the case that some sensitive children may have been badly hurt by teasing or made to feel incompetent in some way. In such cases, Oxford Home Schooling can provide a practical alternative to the classroom.

    Whatever the reason for educating your child at home, you need to be sure that they are getting the best possible schooling to take their GCSEs, IGCSEs or A levels outside the traditional school environment.

    Why choose Oxford Home Schooling?

    We have 18 years experience of helping individuals gain GCSEs, IGCSEs and A levels via home education. Several thousand individuals study with us every year and go on to gain qualifications.

    We place a great deal of emphasis on the support we provide to our students. No other home education organisation provides the level of proactive tutor support that Oxford Home Schooling does.

    Many children have had unfortunate experiences of learning at school and have been demotivated as a result. But there’s no law which says learning has to be tough or boring! We have tried to make learning with Oxford Home Schooling a rewarding and enjoyable experience. All our courses have been developed by experts in their field, and our team of home education course developers ensure that they are accessible, stimulating and effective in helping your child to learn.