Where have our students taken their examinations?

Oxford Home Schooling Students have taken IGCSE examinations all over the UK, Europe and indeed the world. The great news for our students is that we have compiled all of this information into an interactive examinations map. 

The map below shows centres which have accepted Oxford Open Learning Students in the past. We make every effort to keep the exam map up to date. You can tell the likely hood that a centre will be able to help you by looking at the key below.

  • Tutors and Exams.  Oxford Home Schooling’s preferred examination provider and SEN specialists.
  • Centres indicated with a blue marker are the most likely to accept you for exams and to have availability.
  • Centres indicated with a green marker may not offer a full range of subjects but they will usually help if at all possible.
  • Centres indicated with a red marker have taken our students in the past but unfortunately exam officers and circumstances often change and we do not know their latest policy.