Guide to GCSE Grades & Options - Homeschooling

    Guide to GCSE Grades & Options

    GCSEs are the final examinations taken by students aged 14-16 at the end of compulsory education. They offer the opportunity for students to begin establishing a specialisation they want to pursue, if they decide to enter further education. With 6 GCSE options and 15 IGCSE courses to choose from at Oxford Home Schooling, you may have questions regarding how GCSEs work and are graded when home schooling. This guide will take you through the key points of studying GCSEs at home and what to consider when helping your child choose the right courses for them. Our full list of GCSE and IGCSE courses can be found here.

    The difference between GCSE and International GCSE

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    GCSE and International GCSE are fundamentally the same and both are equally recognised qualifications by the exam boards and FE institutions. The benefit of IGCSEs for international or home schooling students was that they were originally designed for students studying at home with no need for coursework. Since most GCSEs now no longer have coursework either there is little difference between the two.

    The exam boards accredit both GCSE and IGCSE with the same value.

    End-of-course exams for IGCSEs can be taken at exam centres across the UK in both November and summer. Most GCSEs are only examined in summer. You can learn more about the differences between GCSEs and IGCSEs with our breakdown of both qualifications.

    How many GCSEs can you take?

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    The number of GCSEs you can take is entirely up to you, but it is usually dependent on the field your child may want to pursue. In schools, most students study between nine and ten GCSEs, which includes the core subjects of English, Maths & Science.  Home Schooling students tend to take fewer subjects with the choice depending on their interests but we strongly recommend at least English and Maths and preferably a Science as well.

    Some further education institutions require more GCSEs than others, and with different grades, so it is always wise to think ahead and check.

    Are any GCSE options compulsory?

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    We advise that students study a minimum of English and Maths and preferably also a Science at this level. These GCSEs are core subjects. Pass grades (minimum grade 4) in English and Maths are essential for most jobs  and FE opportunities.  Other subjects can be studied based on your child’s interests and the career path they may want to follow.

    How do GCSE grades work?

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    GCSEs and IGCSEs are now graded from 9-1, replacing the old A*-G system.  Home schooling students sit exactly the same exams as students studying in main stream education and they are marked in the same way.

    A student is deemed to have passed an exam by achieving at least a grade 4 in any subject. This is the minimum pass mark and many FE and HE courses will require higher grades.

    How do GCSE/IGCSE final exams work when home schooling?

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    It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that your child is booked into a final examination; Oxford Home Schooling do not do this automatically but we do provide a lot of help with booking exams and finding centres. We send out reminders as the student nears the examination period, with instructions on how to book exams and how to locate and approach an exam centre. More information can be found here.

    Oxford Home Schooling use the same education boards for courses and exams as all other schools. They are AQA, OCR and Edexcel.

    What are the benefits of studying GCSEs at home?

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    Studying GCSEs whilst home schooling has numerous benefits, some that will help everybody, and others that may suit your own specific circumstances. These include;


    • The freedom to choose your own subjects alongside the core disciplines (English, Maths & Science) with the guarantee that all of our course material follows exam board specifications and is designed to be identical to the qualifications taken in schools
    • Our tutors and experienced in house support network are on-hand to help any student at home who may be struggling with their studies, giving each child a source of direct, one-to-one support
    • Students with learning or behavioural difficulties can learn away from the pressures of a school environment, whilst still studying the same material as mainstream pupils
    • Our system is very flexible so students are not tied in to a strict timetable or year group. This means they can progress as quickly or as slowly as they need to secure a good grade.

    There are many elements to home schooling that not everyone may be aware of. It is essential to consider what it entails, particularly if you are a considering home schooling for the first time. Take a look at our guide to see what a typical home schooling day can look like.