Hub Items Archive - Homeschooling

    How to Choose A Levels

    There are many different A Level courses on offer when home schooling and so without the help of a school or teacher, choosing the right ones for you can seem a bit overwhelming. Picking your A level courses becomes easier if you have an idea of what you want to pursue in your education and career, as the A Levels to be a lawyer, a vet or a super rich banker are all different. Oxford Home Schooling have experienced people who can advise you on how to choose A levels and which courses might suit you best, please speak to us. We have outlined the key things to consider when selecting your A Levels at home. You can find the full selection on our A level courses page.

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    How To Choose GCSEs

    There are many different GCSE and IGCSE courses on offer when home schooling, and so choosing the right ones for you can seem like navigating a maze. It helps to have a clear understanding of what you want to do in your education and career, as this will guide you towards the GCSEs you need to be a lawyer, the GCSEs you need to become a vet or perhaps GCSEs needed to become a pilot. If this is the case, then the requirements make choosing your subjects much easier. If you have no idea what you want to do in future and at this stage many students don't, then make sure you have the core subjects and a wide variety of others so that you are not limited later. We have outlined the key things to consider when selecting your GCSEs at home. You can find the full selection of our courses here, including IGCSE options.

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    What is homeschooling?

    Homeschooling can seem like a bit of an unknown if you're not familiar with it. In this section, we'll try to demystify the subject and discuss some of the key points. We'll cover how to start homeschooling, what the law says about home education and finally, how to be confident when choosing a curriculum.

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    The Benefits of Homeschooling

    From increased academic autonomy to a more encouraging learning environment, there’s a multitude of advantages to homeschooling. Whichever homeschooling style you and your children subscribe to, they’ll get to enjoy an education which goes further than the standard one-size-fits-all curriculum, and can be tailored to them as individuals. With this in mind, it’s no surprise homeschooling is more popular than ever, with more and more families making the switch every year. If you’re thinking about transitioning your children into homeschool, take a look at some of the benefits we’ve outlined below; there could be more to consider than you might think.

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    How To Start Homeschooling

    There’s a range of reasons why you might choose to avoid the conventional school route for your children, but once you’ve made the decision to homeschool, it can be a little daunting to know how to get started. In our guide, we’ll run you through the initial steps to take before you make the switch, the basic supplies and give some other general hints and tips too.

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    Home Education & Homeschool Laws

    If you wish to educate your child at home, you may have some questions regarding any legal requirements or what you might need. To help you, we have provided answers to some of these home education questions below. There are many courses available with Oxford Home Schooling that your child can enrol on, ranging from Key Stage 3 to A Level. Take a look at our starter guide to see the requirements you will need to consider before starting your home schooling journey.

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    Homeschooling and Higher Education

    If you homeschool your children, and they’re approaching the right age for GCSE or A Level work, it’s time to start considering whether university could be the next step. There are many misconceptions around homeschool students and university – from whether they can attend to what qualifications they need. Keep reading as we look at common misconceptions around this subject, and break down the requirements, scholarship choices and alternative higher education options for homeschoolers.

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    Homeschool Supplies

    Once you’ve made the decision to homeschool your child, you can begin the exciting process of getting all your supplies together. There’s a whole world of homeschooling equipment out there, so if you’re not sure where to start, why not tackle the essentials first? Carve out a space in your home for a work surface and chairs, and then you can think about kitting out your makeshift classroom. In this guide, we’ll go through the most useful homeschool supplies for both student and teacher, as well as where to find free resources.

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    Homeschool Supplies: The Oxford Home Schooling Guide

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    How to Choose a Homeschool Curriculum

    In the UK, the national curriculum is the framework which all comprehensive (and many public) schools use to teach, from Key Stage 1 right up to Key Stage 5. One great advantage of homeschooling is that there’s no pressure to follow the national curriculum – but it can be a good place to start if you find choosing your own a little daunting. There are several key factors to consider when you’re figuring out a curriculum – like whether you’re going to pick all the content yourself, or ask for your child’s input too. It’s also a good idea to think about how flexible you want the curriculum to be. You might decide to purchase select courses on core subjects, or alternatively opt for one whole-package curriculum. Keep reading as we breakdown how to choose the right homeschool program for you and your child, in more detail.

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