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    Facing Your Future

    Take the time you need to be as prepared as you can for whatever is to come—and don’t forget to take a moment to appreciate what you’ve already achieved.


    The Importance Of Voting

    Of people aged 18-24, over 50% did not cast a vote in the election. Had that not been the case, it could have made a huge difference to the outcome of the election.


    February Book Recommendations #2

    This title has helped thousands of adults change their lives for the better, and there’s no reason why its wisdom can’t be taken on by younger minds.


    February Book Recommendations

    This February, there’s recommendations for another useful piece of non-fiction… and a great story that handles magic better than Harry Potter.

    International Book giving day

    International Book-Giving Day

    International Book-Giving Day came about because a group of passionate individuals wanted reading to be celebrated.



    Heightened melatonin release contributes to the cozy, hibernation-like feeling many experience during the colder months.

    Nikola Tesla

    Nikola Tesla: Illuminating the Future

    Tesla was constantly inventing. Even while working as a telephone line repairman, he would tinker around with the equipment, and through this invented a precursor to the loudspeaker.


    New Year Book Recommendations #2

    January and February may be cold and dark, but with these books it definitely won’t be boring.


    Book Recommendation For New Year #1

    It’s a bit of a hefty book, but don’t be put off! There’s no rush and no ticking clock to becoming an adult.


    The Science Of Predicting Snowfall

    Even with precise precipitation predictions, the UK’s atmospheric idiosyncrasies make it challenging to forecast.