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    The Tudors: Henry VIII & The Reformation

    Henry VIII turned a Catholic country into a Protestant one. Overnight, all people, no matter who they were, had to change their religion too.

    Monks And Nuns Medieval Life

    There are lots of different jobs for the monks and the nuns to do, including working in the herb garden and making medicines.

    Causes Of The Peasants’ Revolt

    John Ball is a priest, but only a poor one. He says the Church is too rich and he’s been travelling around the countryside encouraging peasants to rebel.

    Key Stage 3 History: Medieval Life 5: Life in Towns

    The people who live in towns are generally the traders and craftspeople. It’s where we go to buy our candles, cloth, ribbon, any extra food…

    Consequences Of The Plague

    One in three people in the whole country have died. And amongst priests, the death rate is even higher.

    Key Stage 3 History: 8: Thomas Becket

    Henry made Thomas his closest adviser and they went everywhere together. But then Henry made Thomas his Archbishop of Canterbury and it all went wrong…

    Key Stage 3 History: 6: The Domesday Book

    Domesday means ‘Day of Judgement’. A book which is being created to assess how much wealth England has.

    The Feudal System

    The feudal system. It’s a bit complicated, but I’ll try to explain it as simply as possible.

    Key Stage 3 History: 3: The Battle of Hastings

    William was so very clever. He decided to trick us. He made his army pretend to run away and the stupid fools in Harold’s army fell for it.

    1066: Three Contenders, One Throne

    No one knows who’s going to be King. Edward left no children so it isn’t obvious who will succeed him.