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    Preparing home-schooled children for exams

    While creating notes to study can be a great way to learn, many children also respond to methods that are more hands-on or vocal.

    Caernarfon Castle

    Caernarfon Castle was built with polygonal towers rather than the usual cylindrical ones, made with colour coded stones carefully arranged in bands.

    English Lit. GCSE Exams: ‘Unseen Poems’

    It is crucial that you have your timings all worked out before the exam. You will need to make sure you have the time (and stamina!) to give Section C your very best shot.

    English Literature GCSE Exams: Poetry

    Can you confidently explain the structure, form, imagery and themes in each poem?

    How to plan your Coursework

    Is your coursework deadline looming? It’s easy to panic about getting all your studies completed, especially when a percentage of your grade is riding on how good your coursework is. However, it can be a great advantage to have part of your GCSE, A Level or other result safely under your belt when you go […]

    English Literature

    Poetry In English Literature GCSE Exams

    Sections B and C will of your paper will focus on poetry, with Section A on prose and drama.

    Mary, Queen of Scots

    Elizabeth herself gave her cousin the benefit of the doubt until 1586, when she discovered Mary had corresponded with Anthony Babington, who was plotting to depose her.

    Winston Churchill

    A rebellious child, Churchill was sent to Harrow boarding school near London in 1888, in the hope that discipline would settle him into his studies. This was not entirely successful.

    Home Schooling Growth In London

    Research, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, found there to be a 582% increase in the number of children home educated in London over the last ten years.

    UCI, ULN, PLR, What does it all MEAN?

    What are these educational acronyms, why do we need them, and where do they come from?