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    Technology in Education

    Can you spot the American spellings that are baffling UK adults?

    We’re all familiar with technological developments in the education sector, but ever more advanced, ground-breaking progress continues to be made.

    Technology in Education

    How Technology Is Advancing In Learning Environments

    We’re all familiar with technological developments in the education sector, but ever more advanced, ground-breaking progress continues to be made.

    Children's books

    Learning In Different Ways

    While some children did indeed find their studies to be worthwhile under a personally tailored regimen, others criticised the lack of diversity.

    Home Schooling works

    Why Choose Homeschooling In 2019?

    For parents, ensuring their child’s schooling is top quality is vital, and home schooling is definitely worth consideration.


    Finding your Sleep and Study Rhythm

    Part of the journey through Higher Education is finding out what study rhythm works best for us individually and utilising it accordingly.

    Lady Astor – The First Woman in Parliament

    Nancy Astor had not been connected with the suffrage movement, a fact which did not make her popular at first.

    choosing to Home Educate

    Why I Chose To Home Educate My Child

    … I felt the pushing for government targets, the associated paperwork and policies, all overshadowed the well-being of the children. I was also concerned that creativity and physical education were being pushed out by these targets and always had that same niggling doubt in my mind that ‘maybe this isn’t the best way’.

    What is a Blood Moon?

    A Blood Moon occurs when the Moon, during a total lunar eclipse, appears to take on a reddish colour. This ‘blood red’ appearance happens because the Moon is illuminated by sunlight that has been filtered and refracted by the Earth’s atmosphere. On the 27th July 2018, we will experience the longest total lunar eclipse of […]

    The Longest Day

    In the UK and Europe the longest day is usually 21st June, but due to the curvature of the Earth, the highest altitude of the Sun occurs on a different day in a few locations over the tropics.

    Apollo 13: What Went Wrong?

    With a calmness that can only be marveled at, Swigert and Lovell radioed Mission Control with the well known words, “Houston, we’ve got a problem.”