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    GCSE Exams

    Lessons Learnt: 3 GCSE Mistakes to Avoid in 2019

    A great way to learn what the assessment objectives mean, is to do some research. There are many useful YouTube videos that discuss these.

    Study Schedule

    Study Tips for Dyslexic Students

    Here are some simple study tips for you to use independently and to share with your teachers.

    Shakespeare still matters

    Why Shakespeare Is Still Relevant Today

    It’s likely we all cite him every day without even realising it.

    Online Learning

    Why Online Learning Works

    For most, online learning is a convenient and effective way to learn.

    A Galaxy

    Kepler: The Planet Hunter

    The analysis of the data Kepler transmitted back to Earth will take decades of work to research, but despite the mission being over, the information gathered is still being received today.


    How Can Schools Be Fundamentally Improved?

    As teachers are voicing their concerns in bigger numbers than ever before, all schools need to do is listen and act. Through that dialogue, improvements can undoubtedly be made.

    Can you correctly answer these primary school homework questions?

    Homework is a necessary part of education, as it helps children to continue learning outside of the classroom. However, without the presence of a teacher, it’s up to parents to provide support if a child is struggling with an answer, and our research shows that many aren’t comfortable with this responsibility. Only a third of […]

    Learning with Quality not in quantity

    Top 5 Tips to Organise your Learning Time

    Effective learning doesn’t depend on how many hours you put in. It depends on what you do in that time.

    Scientific Research

    Periodic Table 150

    Mendeleev was forward-thinking enough to leave spaces within the table, with a mind to the chemical element discoveries of the future.

    War always brings medical advancements.

    How did World War One Impact Medicine?

    New technologies of death and destruction brought with them wounds and bodily disorders completely new to medicine, and as a result the medical field would embark on a journey of similarly hasty scientific advancement.