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    A levels

    The Myths of Distance Learning

    Distance learning is one of the most exciting developments in our age. My first real encounter with distance learning took place in 2013. I embarked on a four-year academic course which altered my future beyond what I could have imagined. Since completing my course I have developed a thirst for knowledge and discovered new strengths. […]

    Psychological Medicine

    The Great War & Psychological Medicine

    As the stigma associated with shell shock lifted, treatments for the ailment became more sympathetic.

    Foreign Language

    Preparing your Child for Foreign Language Oral Exams

    The good news is that there are many interactive tools available to support your child in learning to speak a new language.


    On The English GCSE Closed Book Exam

    Is the exam a test of skills or memory (or both)? And which should it be?

    Learning a Language Online

    Foreign Language Study: Is the Future Online?

    Some of the potential pitfalls of learning a foreign language via a classroom-based fixed curriculum include dialogues being spoken too quickly, the pace of learning being focused on a timetable, and study being focused on a group’s ability rather than that of an individual.

    Holograms and Robotics

    Holograms, Robotics And Online Learning

    Does the use of holograms in teaching provide the same authentic feel of having a lecturer or teacher physically present in the lecture hall or classroom?

    GCSE Exam Revision Tips

    Last minute GCSE Revision Tips

    It may be last minute, but you are not out of time. And you’d be surprised at how much you can pack into your short-term memory.


    Can Class Size Ever Be Countered Anymore?

    The government dismisses the argument that class size has any negative effects on quality of teaching or educational outcomes, however, thus also dismissing the day-to-day experience of teachers themselves.


    Multitasking and Online Study – Help or hindrance?

    if you’re pursuing online study, it’s imperative that you take time to consider how you can avoid multitasking distracting you from your studies.

    GCSE Exams

    Lessons Learnt: 3 GCSE Mistakes to Avoid in 2019

    A great way to learn what the assessment objectives mean, is to do some research. There are many useful YouTube videos that discuss these.