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    3 Things You Should Be Doing Now Exams Have Started

    What should you be doing while in the momentum of exams?

    The Duke of Edinburgh Award

    What Is The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award?

    It gives all young people an opportunity to play to their non-academic strengths, or to be temporarily free from the endless gravy train of vigorous study, exams, results, and resits.

    Jekyll and Hyde

    The Real Jekyll and Hyde

    Many suspect Deacon Brodie to be the inspiration for Robert Louis Stevenson’s famous novella A Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde


    How to Choose the Best University for You

    Finding your preferred university options is a project in itself.


    Smartphones: Friend or Foe?

    People spend approximately two hours daily on their smart phones browsing, researching, responding and making purchases… yet, many of us complain about not having enough time to do the things we really want to do.

    Which LEAs Are Tackling Bullying Best?

    Bullying is an unfortunate and harmful part of school life for many children across England, however, our latest research has revealed that it is a far greater problem in some regions than others. Best and worst performers Across the country, the number of exclusions for bullying dropped by 5.6% between the 2011/12 and 2016/17 academic […]

    STEM Subjects

    STEM Subjects: Are They Really Superior?

    STEM subjects typically lead to better job prospects. There’s no way around this; the breadth of practical knowledge students acquire in STEM fields is astounding.


    What is Lifelong Learning?

    With technology developing at pace and a shortage of young people choosing to pursue STEM subjects, how do we remain competitive in the global economic market?

    Home Education

    How a 360 Degree View can help with Creative Writing

    Thinking of ideas to write on, knowing where to start and finding ways to incorporate different techniques can be challenging.

    The death of the author

    How to Boost Your Motivation

    This article will help you develop skills of self-motivation.