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    Lawrence of Arabia

    Lawrence of Arabia: Soldier, Scholar, Diplomat

    His respect and understanding of the Arabic population led to a life as diplomat, soldier and writer, campaigning against the Turkish Ottoman Empire. His life and work earned him the nickname Lawrence of Arabia.

    School Week

    Could We Have a Shorter School Week?

    Shorter school weeks are already here in some schools and have been considered very recently in others, though not to improve mental health or workplace pressure. Currently, a lack of funding is more likely to be the reason.

    Helen Keller

    Helen Keller Quotes to Inspire Everyone

    During her life, Keller formed a friendship with American humourist, novelist, and travel writer, Mark Twain.


    How to Cope When Repeating School Years

    In the end, everyone learns at their own pace, and that is something that should never be discouraged.


    Resilience and Learning Perspectives

    We all have a natural source of healthy self-confidence. Our task to dig deep, to tap into and to reconnect with it.

    Climate Change

    Climate Change: Is it too late?

    The time to act is not in ten years or even in two. It’s now.


    Mastering Mindfulness: The Eye of the Storm

    Mindfulness is a simple yet effective approach to help us deal with stress, anxiety and other related issues.

    Astronomer Royal

    The First Astronomer Royal

    John Flamsteed began his working life as the Astronomer Royal in the Tower of London, where it’s said that the ravens made his life very difficult by nesting on his telescopes…


    Reasons to Study History at University

    Not only does studying the past increase your understanding of the world around you, it also fosters a huge number of transferable skills, which are much sought after by employers from a whole host of sectors.


    Why Good Numeracy Counts

    Poor numeracy also comes at a price. It is estimated that it costs the UK economy an eye-watering £20 billion each year.