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    4 Top Tips

    Four Top Tips to Reach your Preferred University

    It’s best to think ahead…


    Duolingo: Good For Spanish GCSE?

    There is even more content available outside of the application itself, too. Duolingo also has podcasts in Spanish, with stories read by native Spanish speakers to help language learners practice their listening skills.


    Learn to Earn: What are the Most Lucrative Degrees?

    Should students avoid degrees like Arts & Design, Agriculture, and Education, which five years later lead to salaries considerably below average earnings? The answer is no, Here’s why…

    Learning a new Language

    Learn Over 2,000 New Spanish Words Almost Instantly!

    Learning Spanish as a second language will mean a lot of study, practice and memorisation. For students who are studying Spanish at GCSE level especially , it can feel quite overwhelming.


    The New Academic Year and its Opportunities

    While we often consider the start of a new calendar year the time to make resolutions and alterations to our lives, perhaps making changes at the start of a new academic year could in fact prove more useful, timely and longer lasting for students.

    School League Tables

    Do University and School League Tables Matter?

    Better schools come with advantages, but if they aren’t fully taken advantage of, students and pupils may as well take their education elsewhere. It’s not enough to get in and sit idly on the victory – the real work begins after enrolment!


    How Failure Leads to Success

    Perhaps you’re discouraged by failure at the moment. Try not to be. Remember that, although failure can feel like the end of the world, it’s actually the start of a new one.


    Writing a Killer Personal Statement for University

    Think along the lines of what might make the university decide to offer you an interview. Ask yourself, why should they want to meet me?

    State or Academy Schools: Pros and Cons

    The academisation of schools has been one of the most contentious issues in British education ever since the policy’s inception in 2000.

    Enid Blyton

    The Enduring Appeal of Enid Blyton

    In 2017, Blyton’s titles were still selling at the rate of one per minute in the UK alone. It is a figure that remains unchanged today.