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    The Future of Storytelling: AI and Machine Learning

    AI and machine learning are increasingly being harnessed as creative tools, reshaping the scope of storytelling and the reader’s experience.

    The Pareto Priciple

    The Pareto Principle

    The core message is that the majority of results come from a relatively small portion of time and effort.


    Bees, Climate and Us

    The British Beekeepers Association recently announced a significant drop in the average hive’s yearly yield of bees. Numbers have been dropping within British hives for decades.


    Twitter Accounts to Learn From

    Looking for a daily fix of learning, from History to Psychology? These are my top 5 must-follow Twitter accounts…

    Insights at 17

    Insights I Would Give Myself At 17

    Be courageous and voice your ideas, listen to other people’s insights and avoid making important decisions in a hurry…

    Suffragists leader Millicent Garrett Fawcett

    Suffragists and Suffragettes

    Unlike the Suffragettes, the Suffragists were determinedly non-violent,


    The Perils of Smartphone Addiction

    You might feel a strong need to check your smartphone every few minutes. But perhaps you might not be able to explain why.


    National Poetry Day Turns 25 Today

    National Poetry Day celebrates its 25th anniversary on 3rd October with a campaign themed around ‘truth’.


    How Could I Become An Entrepreneur?

    Running your business could help boost your self-confidence. You will develop a strong work ethic and become more independent in your thinking.

    Rubik's Cubes

    Rubik’s Cubes, Algorithms and Reward

    An algorithm is (In Rubik’s Cube terms) a sequence of moves that get the cube from one step to another. You need to memorise several of them…