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    Running a Debate Club for Home Educated Teens

    Debate club allows the kids to see that how you present something is often more important than what you’re presenting – and so they become more skilled in recognising the ways that the press, and other forms of communication, can influence us.


    Finances: A Valuable Subject For The Classroom?

    If the principle of saving is taught and understood early, the chances are that pupils will take their present and future finances more seriously.

    National Tree Week

    National Tree Week

    This annual event aims to encourage the people of the UK to plant as many new trees as possible.


    The Best Films to Get You Studying

    Here’s 4 films known to have that magical motivational X-Factor, guaranteed to get you moon-walking back into the classroom.


    How Does Blogging Help Students?

    As the world evolves and changes shape, so too does the world of blogging!

    School Dinners

    Jamie’s School Dinners: What’s Left?

    The Children’s Food Trust was closed in 2017. So what does this mean for school dinners now?


    Brainstorming For Brilliant Ideas

    Alex Osborn, the father of the brainstorming method, believed that group brainstorming could lead to a 50% increase in creativity.


    Scientifically Proven Revision Tips

    There is plenty of research out there to show that listening to music can improve your ability to focus and concentrate.


    The Witchcraft of Shakespeare’s Time

    With the royal criminalisation of witchcraft in 1604 (and before its 1736 retraction), hundreds of thousands of people in Europe were tortured, hung, and drowned.

    Unreliable Narrator

    What do we mean by an Unreliable Narrator?

    In fiction, an unreliable narrator is someone the author wants to be untrustworthy because that fact is going to propel their plot forward.