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    A Depiction of a Runner in Front of the Trenches at Arras

    1917: The Runners of the First World War

    The risk to a runner’s life was so great that messages were often sent with two or three carriers on different routes to ensure at least one reached its destination.


    Puffin Books Celebrate 80 Years

    The first Puffins were published in 1940 as non-fiction books to support child evacuees. By the following year, Puffin had published its first four major storybooks, including the famous Worzel Gummidge.

    Trump and Twitter

    The Language of Trump and Twitter

    No one politician has so challenged the norms of interaction than Trump, with his Twitter account a regular source of contention.


    Can a Gap Year Improve Your Career?

    An article on reveals that most HR managers believe that relevant work experience is more valuable than the average non-vocational degree.


    The Best Food for your Brain

    The trouble is, when you’ve got your head in the books to cram in the exam prep, it’s tempting to reach for a quick-fix snack. That often means something processed, sugary or high in saturated fat…


    Making the Most of Your Christmas Break

    A recent YouGov research found that 91% of the UK’s population engage in some Christmas celebrations. Sadly, Christmas for many people is all about spending money and going shopping. However, the Christmas holiday can be an inspiring and memorable time if we spend a little time planning it in advance. Reconnect with old friends In […]



    The roots of the Hanukkah story date back to 168 B.C., when the Jewish Holy Temple was seized on the orders of the Greek emperor Antiochus.


    Should I Start a Business or Go to University?

    A number of the world’s most successful people, such as Steve Jobs, Richard Branson and Bill Gates, did not go to university.

    Show don't tell

    6 Easy Ways to Improve Your Writing (Part 2)

    If you also read regularly, you’ll internalise phrasing, vocabulary and nuances of language that will spill into your writing, without you even realising it.


    6 Easy Ways to Improve Your Writing (Part 1)

    Despite being written in 1946, Orwell’s ‘Six Elementary Rules for Writing’ are still relevant today.