Blog, News & Advice | Oxford Home Schooling

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    Why Should You Study Economics?

    Studying Economics can often be considered to pave the way for a career in accountancy or business but it is also of very real benefit to charities, social think tanks, and advisory panels.


    Lessons in Lockdown

    I spent the first three weeks of quarantine in my pyjamas and it didn’t do my mental health any favours…

    Alexander Fleming

    Alexander Fleming: Penicillin’s Co-Finder

    The development of penicillin was a joint effort, with Fleming laying the critical groundwork that led to victory.


    3 Ways to Study Effectively in a Crowded House

    Without access to libraries and other public study spaces, due to our national lockdown, those of you continuing to study and expand your minds may find it hard to concentrate.

    Home Schooling

    Home Schooling Abroad During the Pandemic

    There are an interestingly high number of parents who are feeling like this experience is one that they’d like to continue.


    10 More Books to Read in 2020

    From the bickering Mr. and Mrs. Bennett to the sharp wit of her protagonist Elizabeth, few novels will make you grin from ear to ear in the way that Pride and Prejudice does.


    10 Books to Read for 2020

    These are just some of the incredible books that you could read during the lockdown and beyond.

    Home Educator Day

    Education during the Lockdown

    If you feel at sea, Oxford Home Schooling’s range of home educating options provide a structure which can help children who are used to the school system.

    language learning

    Why Learn a Second Language – and Which to Choose?

    Don’t overlook “other language” options. If you speak a language which is spoken by fewer people, there may be more opportunities in the job market.

    Distance learning

    6 Reasons Distance Learning Could be For You

    Distance learning gives you the flexibility to fit studies around your responsibilities and your family’s needs, in your own time.