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    Learning Beyond Borders

    International Literacy Day 2020

    We know that your literacy level has a direct impact on the kind of life you will have as an adult.

    Carnival Culture

    Origins of Carnival Culture

    Performances were filled with social commentary and took great influence from contemporary themes.


    Literature’s Best Film and TV Adaptations

    Here are 5 screen adaptations (not including Harry Potter) that we consider to be among the best!


    A Comic Book History: Part 1

    I boasted to my dad what an amazing new source of reading I had found, but to my dismay found that he knew all about them…


    Will We Miss Our Old World of Work?

    They say absence makes the heart grow fonder — and mine has all of a sudden become very fond of chance encounters and conversations free of stuttering connection issues.


    5 Reasons You Should Spend More Time Reading

    Any form of literature counts as reading: from a blog post or short story, to a comic or poem.

    The Peterloo Massacre

    The Peterloo Massacre: 5 Facts To Know

    Don’t forget that this was also the era of the Industrial Revolution. Life had changed significantly for ordinary people in the last half century or so – and rarely for the better.


    Why Philosophy Is Important (And How To Learn More)

    It is hard to truly appreciate history without an appreciation for the history of ideas.

    The Scrap of Paper

    The Scrap Of Paper That Led The Way To War

    When you learn about the causes of World War One, you’ll likely be taught the long-term reasons first. But have you heard of “The Scrap of Paper?”


    Education as Storytelling

    In subjects with obvious narrative associations, like English Literature, the stories themselves can actually be overlooked, in favour of analysis.