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    The best and worst places to raise children in your region

    There are many factors that go into choosing where you want to raise a family, from…


    The Importance Of Sub-genres

    Sub-genres are an absolute blessing! Here’s just three reasons why they are so important…


    The Real Life Witchcraft of Macbeth

    In 1603, following the death of Elizabeth I, James became King not just of Scotland but also of England. He brought his obsession with witchcraft with him. An obsession that would influence the writing of Macbeth…


    A Little Half Term Reading

    Here are two reading recommendations I put forward…

    Children's books

    Could Outdoor Education Be Lost Forever?

    Despite all the rules and regulations being under constant review, it would be safe to assume that school trips are off the cards until mid-late 2021 at the earliest.


    Languages Will Reward Your Attention

    Learning a second language can improve your first language.


    Reading For Your Wellbeing

    Simply reading different types of texts for twenty minutes a day can work wonders for your brainpower.


    A History of Comics – The Finale!

    We have been bombarded with movies, games and graphic novels, though I think sometimes people forget about the source material, the comics, which started all this.


    The Importance Of Extracurriculars

    Here’s a list of the ways extracurricular activities that can positively impact your life…


    Visualisation: A Powerful Tool for Academic Success

    Because your brain believes that you’ve already aced the exam, it will start to change the way you think and, over time, how you behave.