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    Distance Learning

    Distance Learning And The Importance Of Clear Communication

    Always make sure you follow these steps…

    Book recommendations

    Recommended Reading: 3 Classics

    Fictional texts can tell us a lot about the writers’ context, backgrounds and era they lived in.


    How To Prevent Procrastination

    The main reason why people procrastinate is that they set unrealistically large goals and aims for themselves.


    What Is Metacognition And How Does It Help You Study?

    Metacognition is a term that has found itself at the forefront of discussions around education in recent years.


    Promoting The Positives Of Learning During The Pandemic

    It is important, I feel, to realise that not everything about education in the pandemic is doom and gloom.

    Exam questions

    Speeches That Made History

    Churchill’s speech is remembered as one of the most stirring wartime speeches ever recorded, yet the public didn’t hear it until Churchill was encouraged to record it for posterity in 1949.


    Characters Of Fiction You May Not Know Were Based On Real People

    Mr. and Mrs. Lee, Harper Lee’s mother and father, lived very nearby. She was my best friend. Did you ever read her book, To Kill a Mockingbird? I’m a character in that book, which takes place in the same small town in Alabama where we lived. – Truman Capote


    5 Other Blogs About Learning You Can Follow

    Here are a few more education blogs that stand out from the crowd.

    How lockdowns have impacted school bullying

    Bullying is a tragic part of school life that many children will unfortunately experience during their education. Despite many schools being closed for parts of the last year, bullying still proved to be an issue for many pupils across England. We’ve analysed new Department for Education data to reveal which local authorities saw the biggest […]


    Reading Strategies To Help With Tricky Text

    If you find yourself staring at the page or reading the same paragraph again and again without a clue what it contains, try some of these techniques to help tackle the text at hand.