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    Fossil Fuels

    Fossil Fuels: What Happens When They Run Out?

    The high demand we place on these non-renewable resources cannot last forever and if we continue to consume them at current levels the date at which they will “run out” is worryingly close.


    Making The Leap From GCSE To A-Levels

    A-Level study often requires a Non-Examination Assessment (NEA) component – essays, or a project, which you work on independently.


    What Is Ikigai?

    Ikigai can be translated into your “reason for being”. “Iki” in Japanese means “life” and “ga” means value or worth.

    Digital nomad

    What Is A Digital Nomad?

    The digital nomadic lifestyle offers several benefits to your average office job.


    What Could Be The Best Subjects To Study At A Level?

    Regardless of whether you want to go to university or not, when choosing your A-level options it is important to opt to study subjects which you think you will enjoy.


    Which Language Should You Learn?

    Let’s take a look at three of the most common European languages taught in UK schools and consider some of the benefits of learning each.


    What Is The 80/20 Rule?

    In psychology, the 80/20 rule – otherwise known as the Pareto Principle – dictates that 80 percent of the results will come from only 20 percent of the causes.


    Economics: China’s Digital Impact

    The digital Yuan will likely be rolled out in 2022.

    The problem of predicted grades

    So what’s the problem with predicted grades? Let’s not beat about the bush, predicted grades are a problem. They are primarily used to allow Universities and Sixth Form Colleges to carry out forward planning and make offers to the students that they would like to accept. The main problem with them: they are normally wrong. […]


    How Volunteering Can Benefit You

    Ultimately, volunteering is all about giving something to someone else.