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    Father Christmas

    The Magical Story Behind The Real Father Christmas

    It was with writer Washington Irving’s 1809 book Knickerbocker’s History of New York that Saint Nicholas began to come to life as the lovable figure we know him as today.

    A Christmas Carol

    A Christmas Carol: Dickens’ Political Message

    A Christmas Carol, first published in 1843, highlighted the major impact of poverty experienced by many of those living within both the capital and other cities growing around newly industrialised locations.


    Using News To Help With Writing Skills

    How can you use the news to help with your creative writing skills?


    Tourism Trends To Watch Out For Next Year

    Even if there is to be a pause in the regrowth of tourism, it is likely that in time it will begin again, such is our collective wish to go abroad.


    Chocolate: A Gourmet Gift From The Gods?

    There is no confusion about the transformation of the word ‘cacao’ [bean] to ‘cocoa’. This is widely believed to be the result of a spelling mistake by English traders – and the misspelt word stuck!


    Want To Go Plastic Free? Here’s How.

    Many of us do our best to recycle plastic but it is estimated that 30% of recyclable plastics end up in landfill anyway because people are unsure about which plastics can and cannot be recycled.

    Mary Anning

    Mary Anning

    Even after scientists started to take Mary more seriously and began purchasing fossils from her, they often did not credit her in their writings, despite her having discovered, cleaned, and identified them.

    Which local authorities will need more teachers in the near future?

    The number of pupils in the UK is increasing, but in England many local authorities aren’t recruiting enough…

    Electric Cars

    Are Electric Cars Really The Future?

    Do Electric Cars solve all our vehicle-related issues? Even if all electricity was generated through renewable sources (which it currently is not), it’s important to remember that the manufacture of electric vehicles still generates carbon.


    Non-Fiction: It’s All About The Little And Often

    Reading short pieces of non-fiction little and often is a great way of giving yourself opportunities to become familiar with a range of different texts.