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    Surprising Facts About Shakespeare

    Why not mark the date of Shakespeare’s birth and death by brushing up your knowledge of the great man with these five lesser-known facts?


    English Language Day

    English is a polyglot language, meaning it includes words that are Anglo-Saxon, French, Germanic, Greek and Latin.

    The death of the author

    Strategies For Online Learning Success

    To ensure that you are successful in your learning from home, here are several strategies that can be implemented.


    Haiku Poetry Day

    Haiku is believed to have originated in thirteenth-century Japan and formed the opening part of a larger Japanese poem called Renga.


    The Most Promising Book-To-Film Adaptations Of 2023

    This year brings many fantastic book-to-film adaptations that you won’t want to miss.

    Gregor Mendel

    Gregor Mendel And His Principles Of Inheritance

    These principles show us how genetic traits are inherited and passed down from one generation to the next.


    How To Write Effective Essay Responses

    Essay writing is much more than being persuasive and knowing your subject; your ability to communicate is just as important.

    7 wonders of the world

    7 Wonders Of The World, Ancient And New

    The Great Pyramid of Giza is the only one of the original wonders of the world that still exists today.

    Semana Santa

    Semana Santa

    Semana Santa has far reaching cultural and historic significance in addition to its religious heritage.


    International Children’s Book Day

    Each year, a different country takes ownership for the sponsoring the day – and this year it is the turn of Greece.