Blog, News & Advice | Oxford Home Schooling

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    Dylan Thomas

    Dylan Thomas

    Dylan Thomas is considered one of the most prominent Welsh poets of the 20th century.


    All About Moons

    12 of Jupiter’s moons were only discovered early this year, whilst Saturn has had 62 added just this month.

    Eugene O'Neill

    Eugene O’Neill, Neglected Playwright

    O’Neill’s plays are distinguished by their complex characters and deep psychological exploration.

    Social media

    Social Media’s Impact On Playwrights

    Social media has facilitated productive collaboration among different playwrights, directors, actors, and other theatre professionals.

    British Poetry

    British Poetry In The Twenty-First Century

    Our modern poets must contend with a rapidly changing publishing landscape, in which traditional print media is being supplemented (and in some cases replaced) by digital platforms such as blogs, podcasts, and social media.

    Dick Turpin

    The Real Dick Turpin

    It is important to remember the dangerous man that Dick Turpin really was.

    Phyllis Wheatley

    The Poetry Of Phyllis Wheatley

    The works of Phyllis Wheatley are both timeless and timely, appealing to audiences of all ages and backgrounds.


    The Importance Of Sleep

    While the amount of sleep each person needs can vary, most adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night to function at their best.


    Neurodivergent Overwhelm

    In this blog we’ll explore exactly what overwhelm is, why it happens, and offer some tips on how to reduce it.

    Show don't tell

    How To Encourage Children To Write More At Home

    “A vast number of children simply don’t enjoy handwriting, and others may find it a difficult task, so don’t forget to shout about all their little wins when it comes to improving their skills.”