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    Marianne Moore

    Remembering Marianne Moore

    Marianne Moore was a leading modernist writer, poet,, pioneering editor and critic.

    covering letter

    How To Write Great A Covering Letter

    What can you do with your covering letter to make it stand out and increase your chances of securing the job you desire?

    Ice cream

    Ice Cream History

    The first ice cream-like food was developed in 7th century China where King Tang of Shang was known to eat an iced dessert made with buffalo milk, flour, and camphor.

    Capture the sunset

    Capture The Sunset Week

    Capture the Sunset week begins on Monday.


    How To Craft The Perfect CV

    Crafting the perfect CV is a vital step toward achieving your academic and career goals.

    Stephenson's Rocket

    Stephenson’s Rocket: Rise Of The Locomotive

    George Stephenson’s vision, engineering skills and relentless pursuit of innovation revolutionised transportation, enabling faster and more efficient movement of goods and people.

    George Bernard Shaw

    George Bernard Shaw

    Shaw was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1925, recognising his work in the medium as well as his role as a social critic and commentator.

    Tom Stoppard

    Tom Stoppard

    Stoppard’s plays often showcase a clash of intellectual ideas, pitting rationality against emotion, science against art, and tradition against progress.


    Non-Fiction: Best Beginnings And Endings

    Non-fiction may not involve fictional characters or imaginary worlds, but it still requires skillful storytelling techniques to engage and captivate readers.

    Independence Day

    Independence Day

    Despite the ongoing Revolutionary War, in 1777 Philadelphia became the first city to hold the first 4th of July celebrations.