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    John Keats

    Remembering John Keats (1795 -1821)

    John Keats’ work was crafted with great awareness, insight and emotion about beauty and art, love and loss, suffering and nature.


    Restitution – Beyond The Realm Of Long-Term Loans

    The Parthenon Marble friezes, or Elgin Marbles as they are often referred to, are the source of one of the UK’s most famous restitution debates.


    ASMR: Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response

    What is the current hype about? Can ASMR be used for positive gains in the world of individual psychology and wellbeing?

    King Richard III

    Richard III – Fact, Fiction Or Fable?

    The world of polarised heroes and villains has created a Richard III who is constantly maligned.


    Bookish Delights For The Autumn

    What if you want to go out and about to hear about books – and all things book-related? Well, in the UK, we are spoilt for choice…

    Jacky Wright

    Black History Month: Influential British Figures Today

    In an interview with CNN Business, Jacky Wright commented that, as a Black woman, she felt “There are more opportunities in the US than there are in the UK”

    The Commonwealth

    The Commonwealth – Part 2

    What is behind the longevity of the concept of the Commonwealth?

    The Commonwealth

    The Commonwealth – Part 1

    In 1949 it was agreed that full independent nations and republics could be part of this associated group of allied countries, without the necessity for any British influence.

    A levels

    How To Choose A Levels

    Universities will have specific requirements for different courses, so once you have a path to follow, selecting the A Levels you need for that discipline are easier to pick out.

    Queen Elizabeth I

    Queen Elizabeth I: Murder Suspect

    The Queen had informed her Secretary that Amy Robsart was “dead, or nearly so” despite news of this death not reaching court until the day after she had died.