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    Groundhog Day

    Groundhog Day: What’s That Again?

    Groundhogs are known to be one the few species of “true” hibernators. This means they go into a dormant state—in which their body temperature and heart rate fall dramatically—from late autumn until late winter or early spring.


    Investigating Adaptations Of Hamlet

    Every director or producer who takes on the task of adapting Hamlet faces the challenge of finding a new way to tell the story while still respecting the original text.

    Show don't tell

    National Storytelling Week

    We usually think of stories as being written down and contained within the pages of a book; nevertheless, they are part of a rich and ancient oral tradition.


    Robert Burns’ Best Poems

    Despite being attributed to Robert Burns, Auld Lang Syne is a collection of traditional Scottish tunes which he collated into one song, in an attempt to preserve some of the oral culture of his country.

    Chinese New Year

    Chinese New Year

    You might know that 2023 is the Year of the Rabbit. But what else do you know about this fascinating time of year?


    Vikings: What They Did For Us

    When the Vikings invaded, language in Britain saw a mingling of the Old Norse language and Old English, and many Norse words were adopted into the English language.



    Whilst the most well-known mummies are those discovered in Egypt, many other civilisations across the globe have also been found to have preserved bodies in this way.

    Poetry Together 2023

    Literary Devices In English

    From Shakespeare’s use of imagery to contemporary authors’ reliance on meta-fiction, literary devices can be found in every era of literature.

    dinosaur discoveries

    Great Dinosaur Discoveries

    The first of the UK’s great dinosaur finds was made in 1820, when Mary Anning discovered the first complete Ichthyosaur fossil in Lyme Regis, Dorset.

    New Year

    Seeing In The New Year Around The World

    From the traditional to the unusual, here are some cultural customs that will have rung in the start of 2023 a couple of days ago.