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    Alan Turing

    Alan Turing: Reimagining What’s Possible

    World War II was especially consequential for Alan Turing, as he helped to decipher Nazi codes during the conflict.


    Galileo Galilei

    Galileo is seen as a symbol of scientific progress and courage in the face of opposition.

    Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin And His Theory Of Evolution

    Darwin understood that character traits were passed down from parents to their offspring, though he couldn’t understand the mechanism for how this occurred.


    Pierre-Auguste Renoir: Painter, Singer… Spy?

    The term ‘Impressionism’ was originally meant as a criticism.


    A Short History Of Aircraft

    In 1909, the first commercial aircraft was built by the French aviator Louis Bleriot and became the first to fly across the English Channel.

    Brian Bilston

    The Beauty Of Brian Bilston’s Poetry

    Brian Bilston’s latest poetry collection is a perfect book, taking each day of each month and exploring something linked to that day.

    Reynolds Stone

    Reynolds Stone: Public Art By A Private Man

    If you’ve ever visited Westminster Abbey, you’ve probably seen his memorial stones commemorating the former prime minister Winston Churchill, and poet T. S. Eliot.

    Influencer Culture

    How Influencer Culture Is Shaping Education

    In the education sector, influencer culture is starting to shape the way students, teachers and school administrators interact with one another.

    Charles Dickens

    Charles Dickens: The Man and His Characters

    Charles Dickens was also famous for his public lectures and performances, and campaigned tirelessly on behalf of the poorest and most vulnerable people in British society.

    Gothic literature

    Reviewing The Genre Of Gothic Literature

    The language used in Gothic Literature is frequently highly poetic, with vivid descriptions of setting and characters.