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    The metaverse

    The Metaverse

    The metaverse will forever change how we interact with each other, from how we work to how we socialise and entertain ourselves.

    Geomagnetic storms

    Geomagnetic Storms

    What was unusual about the recent Geomagnetic storm in early May was its intensity; being the most powerful in two decades.

    Little free libraries

    The Joys Of Little Free Libraries

    Humbly championing the wonder of books from the sidelines is the Little Free Library.


    Capturing Memories

    Visual literacy is a skill set as crucial as reading and writing in the digital age. Analysing photographs hones observation skills, encourages critical thinking, and teaches you to decode visual cues.


    Origami Beyond Art

    The practice of origami has found many novel and practical uses in our modern-day age.


    How Was Stonehenge Built?

    In more recent centuries science has replaced suggestions of magic-realism, offering more plausible explanations of the construction process…


    DNA: The Blueprint Of Life

    We can think of DNA as a large book containing all of our genetic information.


    Have Scientists Discovered Our Very Own Adamantium?

    Scientists have become extremely excited by this particular new alloy due to its near-impossible strength in both hot and cold temperatures, something previously unachievable.

    Creative Writing

    Creative Writing: Unlocking Imagination

    Creative writing is not just about stringing together words; it’s about constructing worlds, solving puzzles, and exploring the depths of imagination.


    What Makes A Successful Adaptation?

    It’s called an adaptation for its very definition, ‘to change to fit a new environment’.