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    Writers Writing About November

    Emily Dickinson says how ‘November always seemed to be the Norway of the year’. Maybe this metaphor is linked to the month’s darkness.


    Translating Literature: Challenges And Triumphs

    Translators must find a delicate balance between staying faithful to the author’s voice and adapting the text to the nuances of the target language.

    Book recommendations

    Book Recommendations 1: Young Bond Vs Alex Rider

    Today we start a new series of book recommendations aimed at young people, with the idea of spotlighting books that will spark that love of reading,

    Bonfire Night

    Bonfire Night And Its Lost Traditions

    Amid the celebrated traditions of Bonfire Night, lesser-known rituals have faded into obscurity.



    The concept of abstaining from eating any animal-derived products has existed for centuries, originating in ancient Indian and east-Mediterranean cultures.

    The Carrington Event

    The Carrington Event

    While sketching sunspots, Carrington witnessed an intense brightening, marking the first recorded observation of a solar flare.


    Halloween: Legends, Lore And The Unexplained

    At the heart of Halloween folklore stands the iconic figure of the Headless Horseman.


    Conservation Beyond Borders

    International cooperative conservation will mean countries can pool resources, share scientific knowledge, and coordinate efforts to address common environmental issues.


    The Mayan Civilisation

    The exact reasons for the Mayans’ decline continue to be debated among scholars, with theories ranging from environmental degradation to warfare and political unrest.


    Maps And Their Power

    In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the limitations and biases of traditional maps.