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    The Mandela Effect

    The Mandela Effect

    The Mandela Effect refers to a phenomenon in which a large group of people collectively misremember or recall an event, fact, or detail differently to how it occurred.

    New books

    New Books For December

    New Books recommended last month were in the Science Fiction genre. This time around, it’s fantasy.

    Jonathan Swift

    Jonathan Swift

    Swift’s writing reflected the dissatisfaction he had with the social and political structures of his day,


    COP28: Milestone Or Not?

    It is currently predicted that global temperatures will reach 2.5C in the near future despite the current pledges to tackle emissions.

    Winston Churchill

    A brief guide to Winston Churchill

    To mark his birthday, we present a few interesting but perhaps little-known facts about one of the most famous British Prime Ministers in history.


    The First American Pilgrims

    Conditions in the first settlement, combined with the harsh North American winter, meant that by the spring of 1621 around half of the Mayflower’s passengers had died, succumbing to disease and the cold.

    The Terracotta Warriors

    The Terracotta Warriors

    The story of the terracotta warriors begins in the late third century BC, when the ambitious Qin Shi Huang ascended to the throne of the Qin Dynasty.


    Surviving The Lull Between Resits And Results

    One piece of advice I think is crucial is this: as soon as you have completed the resits, try to forget about them.

    8 Ways To teach Your Children Life Skills At Home

    Encouraging and building your child’s understanding of life skills is crucial in helping them become independent after leaving school.


    Beyond The Dunes

    The Sahara is not just an expanse of sand. It boasts a variety of landscapes, from rock plateaus and mountains to ancient oases.