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    Is Globalisation In Decline?

    Geopolitical tensions between major economies have resulted in trade disputes and protectionist measures, causing a re-evaluation of trade relationships.


    Putting The YA in “Yay”

    Young adult (YA) readers are spoilt for choice – there is so much to choose from nowadays that no-one can say ‘there’s nothing to read’.

    Martin Luther King Jr.

    Martin Luther King Jr.: Champion Of Equality And Justice

    Martin Luther King Jr.’s unwavering commitment to justice and equality resulted in several landmark achievements that continue to shape the course of history.

    The Royal Highland Gathering

    The Royal Highland Gathering

    It is thought that the gathering began in the 11th century when King Malcolm Canmore visited Braemar and called upon the clans of the area to present their men to compete against each other to find the strongest, fastest and most skilled warriors.

    William Wallace

    William Wallace

    William Wallace is forever remembered as a Scottish martyr and a symbol of Scotland’s struggle for independence.

    The Bermuda Triangle

    The Bermuda Triangle

    While the Bermuda Triangle has gained notoriety for its mysterious instances of vanishing craft, sceptics argue that human error and sensationalism play a significant role in the perceived mystery.

    Percy Bysshe Shelley

    The Romanticism of Percy Bysshe Shelley

    Percy Bysshe Shelley’s poetry encapsulates the spirit of Romanticism, imbuing his verse with rebellion, hope, and a profound belief in the transformative power of the imagination.

    The silk road

    The Silk Road

    The significance of the Silk Road extended beyond economic and cultural realms. It played a vital role in shaping the geopolitical landscape.


    Plants As Nature’s Pharmacy

    Throughout history, indigenous cultures around the world have relied on the knowledge of their ancestors to identify and utilise the medicinal properties of plants.


    The Golden Age Of Pirates

    While the golden age of pirates was filled with characters and epic tales, it’s important to remember it was also a brutal and violent one.