One way to get ahead of the queue is to speculatively approach companies about opportunities before they are advertised.
One way to get ahead of the queue is to speculatively approach companies about opportunities before they are advertised.
It is going to be a very turbulent time, but chaos is a ladder and young people, (who tend to be hit hardest by economic slumps of this nature), need to become skilled climbers.
Work-wise there have been many losers during the pandemic. A lot of people have lost jobs, though others have successfully adapted to new roles within their respective industries. There have been some who have actively benefited from the current situation, in fact. With some of you actively planning your careers, now might be the time […]
Without access to libraries and other public study spaces, due to our national lockdown, those of you continuing to study and expand your minds may find it hard to concentrate.
University is not the only option open to you once you’ve done your A levels.
Many good part-time jobs go by word-of-mouth and are never advertised, so tap up your network (friends, family, coaches, teachers) for opportunities.
We know money can be a limiting factor when studying, so we have listed free study apps only.
An article on reveals that most HR managers believe that relevant work experience is more valuable than the average non-vocational degree.
A number of the world’s most successful people, such as Steve Jobs, Richard Branson and Bill Gates, did not go to university.
Here’s 4 films known to have that magical motivational X-Factor, guaranteed to get you moon-walking back into the classroom.