The vibrant colours you see in fireworks are not random; they are carefully engineered by including different metal salts and metal oxides.
The vibrant colours you see in fireworks are not random; they are carefully engineered by including different metal salts and metal oxides.
That spooky feeling in a supposedly haunted house might not be due to a ‘ghost’, but rather an explainable occurrence of infrasound!
Black History Month offers a fitting opportunity to remember these influential but often forgotten individuals.
Historians suggest that this version of events may have emerged about four decades after the Battle of Hastings.
The three stars of Orion’s Belt are the only stars that form a perfect straight line visible throughout the night, making them a constant reference point.
Before the ISS project transitions into its next phase, it’s fitting to highlight the scientific breakthroughs that have occurred aboard since its inception.
The beautiful yellow and orange leaves that we see in Autumn come from xanthophyll and carotenoids, which have a yellow and red pigment.
Ardent zoologists writing on the BBC’s Science Focus portal argue that humans are not the dominant species and never have been.
Sometimes, beneath our feet and unbeknownst to us, flow a fascinating network of secret underground rivers and wet cave networks.