Greg Smith, Author at Homeschooling - Page 5 of 5

    Articles by Greg Smith

    Greg is the Head Of Operations at Oxford Home Schooling and has more than 25 years of experience in Distance Learning and Home Education

    Key Stage 3 History: Medieval Life 3: The Black Death – Consequences

    Here is the third in our series of Key Stage 3 History blogs on Medieval Life. In blog 3 we stay with the Black Death and examine its consequences. The Black Death – Consequences Well, the local priest isn’t going to find out about my thoughts about the causes of the Black Death – because […]

    Key Stage 3 History: 8: Thomas Becket

    In blog 8 of our Key Stage 3 History series we look at the dispute between Henry II and Thomas Becket. Thomas Becket What do you think? All these stories so far were told by my great grandad. He was a legend apparently. Goodness knows what he’d make of recent events! There we were thinking that […]

    Key Stage 3 History: 6: The Domesday Book

    Blog 6 in our Key Stage 3 History series looks at the writing of the Domesday Book. The Domesday Book Oh my… I really thought it couldn’t get any worse. We have the feudal system. There are castles popping up everywhere. We can’t move without permission. Literally. Silly old me, asking what can William do […]


    Following the last blog on the Battle of Hasting, the 4th blog in the Key Stage 3 History series looks at the the feudal system that followed. Consolidating Power – the Feudal System It’s an outrage! What will happen to us all now?! We’ll all be treated like slaves, that’s what! Who does William think […]

    Key Stage 3 History: 3: The Battle of Hastings

    The 3rd blog in our Key Stage 3 History series focuses on the Battle of Hastings. The Battle of Hastings OOOOwwww! I can barely move I’m in so much pain. I’ve got a sword cut in my arm and more bruises than I can count. I’m so tired I can barely think. But you didn’t […]

    Key Stage 3 History: 1: 1066 – Three contenders, one throne.

    Here is the first in a new series of blogs looking at  Key Stage 3 History topics. We start by looking at the contenders for the throne in 1066. 1066 – Three contender, one throne. Oh my… I just don’t know what’s going to happen now! It’s a disaster. The whole country will fall apart. It […]

    Key Stage 3 History: Medieval Life 1: The Black Death – symptoms

    Here is the first in a new series of Key Stage 3 History blogs on Medieval Life. We begin by looking at the Black Death. The Black Death – Symptoms Don’t panic. It’s ok. Stay calm. Don’t panic. DON’T PANIC!!!! What do I do? My son is sick. He has all the symptoms of the […]