Candice West, Author at Homeschooling - Page 3 of 4

    Articles by Candice West


    Curious Christmas Customs

    Here we list a few of the more unusual Christmas traditions from around the globe.

    Saint Andrew

    Who Was Saint Andrew?

    Whilst devotion to Saint Andrew grew over the centuries, it wasn’t until 1320, when Scotland’s independence was declared with the signing of the Declaration of Arbroath, that he officially became Scotland’s patron saint.


    The Salem Witch Trials

    Witness testimony about dreams and visions was considered legitimate evidence used to convict defendants.

    Jacky Wright

    Black History Month: Influential British Figures Today

    In an interview with CNN Business, Jacky Wright commented that, as a Black woman, she felt “There are more opportunities in the US than there are in the UK”

    Queen Elizabeth I

    Queen Elizabeth I: Murder Suspect

    The Queen had informed her Secretary that Amy Robsart was “dead, or nearly so” despite news of this death not reaching court until the day after she had died.

    The Great Fire Of London

    The Great Fire Of London

    The fire destroyed around 13,200 houses, 87 churches, The Royal Exchange, Guildhall and St. Paul’s Cathedral, which had been built in the Middle Ages.


    A Quick History Of Chocolate

    Cacao beans were especially valued by the Aztecs – they were used as currency as well as for a drink for the higher classes.



    The word reggae comes from the term “rege-rege” which means rags, a reference to the mixture of musical styles that the genre developed from.

    The Queen

    The Queen’s Jubilee

    She’s met 13 out of the last 14 US presidents, there have been six Roman Catholic Popes since she became Queen, and she’s worked with 14 British Prime Ministers.

    April Fool's Day

    April Fool’s Day

    Many countries around the world, particularly those with colonial connections to Europe, mark April Fool’s Day, and each has its own traditions for doing so.