When are examination results released to students

Results for the summer series are normally available in August, usually on the third Thursday in August for A levels and the fourth Thursday for GCSE / IGCSE.

2024 summer exam results days are:

GCSE and IGCSE EXAM RESULTS DAY: Thursday August 22nd

A LEVEL EXAM RESULTS DAY : Thursday August 15th

You will get your results from your examination centre.  If you are an NEA student and you opted to be assessed directly by the Oxford Open Learning Trust, we are your examination centre and will send out emails on the day to the email address we have for the student concerned (not parents or guardians).

Results slips will have your UCI number printed on them.  Please retain this as you will need it when making any subsequent exam entries.

PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT WE HAVE YOUR CORRECT AND CURRENT EMAIL ADDRESS ON OUR SYSTEM. If you don’t tell us it has changed we have no way of knowing!

Be aware, we are not allowed to disclose results over the phone.