Are Printed Articles A Dying Medium? I Oxford Open Learning


    Are Printed Articles A Dying Medium?

    In an era dominated by digital platforms and instant access to information, traditional mediums like newspaper articles, magazines, and journals might seem obsolete. Yet they have seemed to have withstood the test of time and are still in print. It begs the simple question: why?


    Firstly, credibility and trustworthiness play a significant role. With digital platforms, it is much easier to circulate information that has not been verified, leading to fake stories and mass hysteria. Established newspapers, magazines, and academic journals, on the other hand, often have rigorous editorial standards and fact-checking processes in place, which lend them an air of reliability. Consequently, readers trust these sources to provide accurate, well-researched information, distinguishing them from the vast array of unverified content circulating online.


    Secondly, the tactile experience of reading a physical publication can still hold allure. Think about it: you’re commuting to work; your wi-fi is not stable, what do you do? There’s nothing like flipping through the pages of a magazine or newspaper, feeling the texture of the paper, smelling the print, and engaging with the content in a tangible way that digital platforms just cannot compete with. This sensory experience can enhance the overall reading enjoyment and retention of information.

    Furthermore, printed publications have historically served as cultural artefacts, capturing moments in time and preserving them for future generations. Indeed, the physical archives of newspapers and magazines serve as valuable historical records, offering insights into past events, societal trends, and cultural norms.

    A Printed Future Can Co-Exist With The Digital One

    Ultimately, while digital platforms have revolutionised the way we access information, traditional mediums such as articles continue to thrive for several reasons. Their credibility, tactile experience, historical significance, and role in fostering critical thinking all contribute to their enduring relevance. Just as with the adaptation of a novel into a visual medium, each format offers its own unique benefits, enriching the overall reader experience. So, whether you’re flipping through the pages of a magazine or scrolling through an online article, the art of writing articles remains a vital skill in our information-rich world. If you’re looking to hone this skill check out Kellie’s model answer: Language Paper 2 Transactional Writing Model Answer.


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    Kellie McCord is a private tutor with over eight years of experience. Having been a lecturer and educator in China, India, Finland and the UK, she has a wealth of teaching experiences, allowing her to build rapport with students from all walks of life. Respect and inclusivity is at the heart of Kellie's tutoring, which is why she has Diplomas in the Pedagogy of Dyslexia and Mindfulness, allowing her to work with SEND learners. Kellie's mission is to empower students with the self-belief and confidence to achieve their academic goals and set them up for a life of success. She is also the founder of Uplevel Academy, which you can find more about by following the link below her blog -